For more info, go to funnypracticaljokes.com
  • While someone is asleep, drizzle honey or syrup all over their face. When they feel it, the should smeer it all over their face!!! Sticky, that's what I'm talkin' about! 
  • You need chocolate peanuts  for this one! Film yourself sucking off all the cocolate off the peanuts. Then put the peanuts in a bowl. Give the bowl to your friend, then when they've eaten half the bowl, show then the video!
  • Find someone laying on a towel in the sand at a beach! When the person gets up to go somewhere, batroom, food, etc...then dig a hole under the towel they were laying on. Place the towel over the hole as if nothing had happened. Then, when the person returns, they'll find their butt in the hole once they lay on the towel! The deeper the hole, the better!
  • At a sleepover, grab some make-up and apply some to your face. Make ruby red lips, like a clown, a pale, white face, like a clown, and also anything else like a creepy clown. Turn a light on, and wake up your victim, They'll scream like crazy and be super scared out of their mind! 
  • Fill a trash can 3/4 of the way with water. Then, lean it against a neighbors doorway. Do a din-dong-ditch(ring doorbell, then run away) and when the person opens their door, water will come in flooding the room they're in! 
  • Place a clear sheet of wax paper over the seat of your toilet so that it is almost unseen. Then, wait until your victim comes into the bathroom. After he does "his stuff" then he finds out that he did it all over the top of the toilet seat, on the wax paper! (this trick is especially funny with #2's!)
-prank submitted by 2Si from the blog section.

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